Número 3, Ano I

Industry Observatory
Last modified in September 10, 2019

Número 2, Ano I

Industry Observatory
Last modified in August 19, 2019

Número 1, Ano I

Industry Observatory
Last modified in September 10, 2019

Partnership and risk sharing was key to success   Rio de Janeiro, September 26 – Petrobras’ general contract manager Daniel Pedroso said on Wednesday at Rio Oil & Gas that the partnership established 18 years ago for developing the BM-S block -11, in the Santos Basin, where the Lula field is located, was key for […]

Emenda à MP 811 distorce preço, diz IBP

Last modified in May 21, 2018

ANP defende mercado de refino aberto e competitivo

Last modified in June 3, 2018

Medida marca nova abertura do setor

Last modified in June 3, 2018