
Vitor Hugo Pena

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Graduated in mechanical engineering and current member of the ABEGÁS Asset Integrity Committee, has a background in Black Belts and Project Management from FGV. He joined Naturgy Brasil in 1998, was responsible for converting Manufactured Gas to Natural Gas pipes in Rio de Janeiro City, served in Auxiliary Equipment Maintenance, was Head of Network Maintenance Service, responsible for Preventive Maintenance of Valves (Regulators). and ON / OFF), Systematic Network Detection, Damage Prevention Program and the Service of Trapping and Blocking of Loaded Pipes. In 2018 he assumed the Pipeline Maintenance and Integrity Planning Management where he is responsible for the annual schedule of preventive and predictive maintenance of physical gas distribution assets, pipeline integrity and analysis of the results obtained by the operation within the companies CEG, CEG-RIO. and SPS.
