
Geologist Scott Tinker addresses the challenges inherent in exploring shale reservoirs

Criado em : August 28, 2018 | Atualizado em : September 12, 2018

Aiming to share experiences and discuss important issues about shale reservoirs, the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP), the Brazilian Association of Petroleum Geologists (ABGP) and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE Brazil) welcomed geologist Scott Tinker, director of the Bureau of Economic Geology, the State Geologist of Texas, and a professor holding the Allday Endowed Chair at The University of Texas at Austin, to speak about the challenges in exploring shale reservoirs. The event reunited diverse sector professionals, at IBP headquarters, to discuss the predicting global future of shale and understand how the exploration and production reality in other countries is.

Scott addressed how United States and Canada shale production changed the global energy landscape. According to him, shale regulation of exploration and production are complex, remain enigmatic, and few people would help to increase production that, today, represents less than 10%.

“The global resources of non-conventional tanks are extensive. Besides that, convert resources in reservoirs is an activity that involves technology, cost, infrastructure and, specially, politics, regulatory and economic structure of a country”, explained.

Other focal point was the local environmental impact, where the source is extracted and produced. Natural gas, a source generated from some types of unconventional reservoirs, replaces coal in electricity generation, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and harmful to health.

Scott Tinker also reinforced the positive impacts that fossil fuels production can bring to country’s economy. Considering his broad experience, the capitalization of non-conventional production can differ by operator, position within the basin, technology and energy options.

“It’s possible to make money with this operation. We just have to have the resources and technology available to turn into a viable business. Petroleum and gas production from of non-conventional tanks benefits and has a changeful impact at economy, allowing investments and improving human lives”, concluded Tinker.